How To Prevent Skin Inflammation, For Healthier Skin


What Causes Skin Inflammation?

Skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis, can take the form of any number of skin irritants, such as a rash, red patches, or even a breakout of blisters. Inflammation is usually caused because your body’s immune system is responding to a stimulus, such as a foreign threat or an allergic reaction. Additionally, certain genetic conditions and bacterial presence can cause your skin to become inflamed and irritated.

Celiac disease, for example, causes people’s skin to become irritated when they consume foods with gluten, such as wheat. Finally, skin inflammation can be caused by a reaction to cosmetic products, such as perfumes and lotions.

Naturally occurring things like poison ivy and ringworm can also cause skin inflammation. Though there are many reasons why your skin may be inflamed, there are also many treatments when a skin inflammation does occur.

When Should I Consult My Doctor?

Skin inflammation is usually normal and nothing to worry about, but if your find that your rash appears suddenly, spreads all over the body, is accompanied by a fever, starts to form blisters, or is severely painful, you should consult a doctor right away.

Does Inflammation Play A Role in Depression?

Yes, it’s currently believed that inflammation can play a large role in depression, as well as other mental health issues like bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. Those with these conditions usually suffer from increased inflammation.

What Can Be Done To Reduce Inflammation In The Body?

There are many natural and medicinal treatments you can take to reduce inflammation. One of the most effective supplements for reducing bodily inflammation is HealthImpaq’s Platinum Turmeric Complex. This supplement helps you body fight inflammation with high levels of antioxidants.

Platinum Turmeric

Causes And Treatments For Skin Inflammation

Skin inflammation is a common irritation of the skin such as rash, itching, or blistering. Skin inflammation happens to everyone and is quite common but it’s also a reaction to your immune system fighting off a foreign invader. Skin inflammation can also occur when you have an allergic reaction or have another type of bodily dysfunction occur.

While skin inflammation is usually nothing too serious, there are many treatments available both at home and through more medicinal means.

Let’s take a look at how it can be treated:

1. Topical treatments

Topical treatments are those which can be applied directly to the skin and include antibacterial and antifungal creams. Corticosteroids also fall into this category and decrease the level and severity of inflammation, as do calamine lotions and anti-itch creams.

One of the common ingredients found in most topical treatments is hydrocortisone, an agent used to reduce itching. Finally, if the skin inflammation stems from an issue with the immune system, you can apply an immunomodulator which aims to keep the immune system in balance and helps to fight off foreign invaders.

2. Soothing creams 

In addition to medicinal and home remedies, there are many creams and lotions which are commonly used to fight skin inflammation. One of the best is this Regenerate cream from Rosy Radiant. This cream contains high levels of aloe vera which helps its anti-inflammatory properties as well as soothing the skin. It also prevents wrinkles and leaves skin looking healthy and glowing.

3. Antimicrobial oil

Another popular product is our Antimicrobial Wound-Healing Oil. This oil is derived naturally from tea tree oil and can be used to prevent acne and other skin irritants, like dandruff, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. These products are currently the best on the market to help treat your skin inflammation naturally and affordably.

An oil massage is most commonly done with tea tree oil because of its antimicrobial qualities. Simply massage the oil onto your scalp or other affected areas for quick relief from skin inflammation.

4. Oral treatments

All oral treatments which can be used for skin inflammation should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription. Oral antibiotics are most commonly prescribed when the source of the problem stems from an allergic reaction. In these cases, doctors will most commonly prescribe generic antihistamines.

If the inflammation is due to a bacterial or fungal infection, you’ll most likely be prescribed antibiotics or an antifungal tablet. More extreme conditions like psoriasis also exist which will require more severe actions, such as an injection.

5. Medicinal plants

Recent research has affirmed the power of many plants and extracts in the fight against skin inflammation. Matricaria and calendula, for example, are types of flowers which are being increasingly used to treat skin irritations and inflammation such as eczema and dermatitis.

There are other plants used to treat skin conditions as well, such as aloe vera, witch hazel, yarrow, and evening primrose oil. In addition, herbs like fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain herb, and purple coneflower are also being used to treat many different types of skin conditions.

6. Cold compress

These treatments can be found at home and are affordable and simple to use. Cold compresses help to treat the itching and redness of skin inflammation is done by soaking a napkin in cold water and treating the affected area.

You can also use an ice pack from a drugstore, or soak in a bath of hypoallergenic soap to reduce inflammation. 

7. Diet

Those suffering from chronic skin inflammation would be wise to avoid foods such as margarine, sweetened fizzy drinks, French fries, red meat, refined flour, and pastries. These foods can cause rapid weight gain which can lead to skin inflammation and other negative health outcomes such as diabetes.

In addition, there are several foods which are anti-inflammatory and should be eaten in an effort to prevent chronic inflammation from occurring. These foods include tomatoes, olive oil, nuts, fruits – like strawberries, oranges, cherries, pineapples, and lemonsfatty fish, spinach, and kale. The antioxidants within these foods help to prevent inflammation and keep the body healthy and functioning properly.