How To Take Care Of Sensitive Skin

How To Take Care Of Sensitive Skin

Taking care of sensitive skin

Many people today have sensitive skin but are never made aware of their condition. There are a number of signs that indicate you may have sensitive skin, so keep on the lookout for symptoms such as:

1. Reactive skin

Those with sensitive skin have a hard time finding soaps, detergents, fragrances, perfumes, and other skincare products which don’t irritate them. Your skin can react in a number of ways: it can become red or itchy, though the most common reaction for those with sensitive skin is dryness and flaking. If your skin reacts volatilely to hotter or colder weather than normal, you probably have sensitive skin. A nice product to use to assuage this symptom is  GraceAllure Vitamin C Serum.

2. Dryness of the skin

In addition to redness and reactivity, sensitive skin is usually dry and difficult to moisturize. This dryness is usually not serious, though it can lead to acne breakouts and cracked skin, especially in cold, dry weather. Problems are usually more frequent in the wintertime when conditions are harsh, and you’re exposed to strong gusts of wind. A gentle moisturizer can help protect your skin from the cold if applied frequently and with care. 

3. Your skin reddens easily

A common symptom for many with sensitive skin, redness can appear in the from of a rash, bumps, blushing, or flushing. One of the most uncommon types of redness is a dilating of the blood vessels. Although there are multiple types of redness which can be uncomfortable and look like theyre in different stages of severity, most redness is harmless and will go away when the irritant is removed from your skin.

4. Rashes occur frequently

There are many triggers that can activate sensitive skin and cause rashes; these rashes can be flaky or bumpy and are usually red. Most likely to cause these rashes on sensitive skin are products left on overnight or throughout the day, such as facial creams. Rashes can develop quickly after contact or take time in appearing. Theyre usually uncomfortable and unsightly, but rarely a cause for greater concern. Staying away from allergens is an optimal way to avoid skin rashes.

5. You breakout frequently

Breakouts” happen quite often in those with sensitive skin. These can look like acne, as theyre red bumps and pustules which appear and sit on the surface of your skin. Getting rid of breakouts can be tough because acne creams and other products use to fight the average skin condition may only worsen your breakout. Its recommended that you weather the storm when a breakout occurs, as trying to fight it head on may only aggravate the problem and prolong the length of the breakout. Your dermatologist can also suggest products for helping to fight breakouts.

6. You sunburn easily

Many people sunburn if theyre out in the sun for a prolonged period of time, but those with sensitive skin need only spend a few minutes to an hour in moderate sunlight before burning. On top of burning, people with sensitive skin are more prone to other negative effects of the sun like damaging UV rays. Their skin is easily irritated and will peel if at higher risk. Everyone should wear sunscreen outside, especially in the summer months. Its recommended to apply sunscreen to all parts of your body, including your face and neck, but watch out for certain ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Sunscreens should also be chosen which have a higher SPF than thirty, as sub-thirty sunscreens wont be effective in fighting the sun and its intense UV rays.

7. Taking care of sensitive skin

Now that you know the signs and symptoms of sensitive skin, you can take control and try preventive measures. Its always smart to test any skincare product on one small area of your body before applying it to a wide area. Fragrances are most likely to irritate your skin, so you want to avoid them to the best of your ability. Washing your face and body with lukewarm water is the best method for cleaning yourself, as hot water can strip your skin of moisture and make it even more sensitive. In the same line of thinking, less is always more when it comes to skincare; you can still exfoliate but use only gentle products and be sure to do so infrequently. Sunscreen is also always your friend, even on overcast days or during the winter – UV rays can damage your skin even with a cloudy filter.

8. Skincare products for those with sensitive skin

Facial cleanser: Cleansers that do not contain SLS or sodium lauryl sulfate are best for those with sensitive skin. Youll want a cleanser with the ingredients licorice root or moringa for the best results.

Facial mists: These are a great way to hydrate, soothe, and revitalize your skin. There are many facial sprays with aloe and herbs to soothe those with sensitive skin.

Exfoliants: Though you should always take care to not over-exfoliate or use too many anti-aging creams on sensitive skin, there are products designed for use on sensitive skin. As long as youre not applying the products too frequently no problems should arise.

Moisturizers: You should find a moisturizer that works for your skin and wont irritate it, then apply it twice daily. Its not a bad idea to use two different moisturizers for your body and face, as one may irritate one section of your body without irritating the other.