Nutritional Tips to Prevent Skin Aging

Nutritional Tips to Prevent Skin Aging

Many people today are taking precautions to take better care of their skin. They’re doing this externally by limiting sun exposure and using a series of creams and moisturizers to keep their skin looking healthy and glowing. While these are great skin protection methods, there’s an internal component to skin aging which many fail to consider.

When protein or fat combine with sugar, they create advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, which can accelerate the process of skin aging at a rapid rate. Avoiding AGEs in your food while continuing to protect yourself externally is a great way to protect your skin from aging and stay young and healthy looking for years down the road. Foods which contain a high amount of AGEs are those like French fires, white bread, white sugar, margarine, processed meats, most types of dairy, soda and coffee, alcohol, and high fructose corn syrup.

Those foods which will be low in AGEs are those which are high in antioxidants and other nutritional values. It can be difficult to know which foods are high in antioxidants, but the list is surprisingly long. Here are just a few of those foods which can help you keep young and healthy-looking skin.

1.Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is surprisingly nutritious in a number of ways. It offers far more cocoa than regular chocolate, meaning it also has additional antioxidants. In fact, based on a FRAP analysis, dark chocolate actually as fifteen mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces. Amazingly, this is more than blueberries and raspberries, which contain only 9.2 and 2.3 mmol, respectively.

The antioxidants in dark chocolate have been linked to a number of health benefits as well, such as reduction in inflammation and a reduction in risk for heart disease. Eating a moderate amount of dark chocolate daily can also lower blood pressure consistently.

2. Pecans

One of the healthiest nuts available today, pecans contain a high amount of healthy fats and minerals, in addition to a great number of antioxidants. Pecans actually contain 10.6 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces and can help substantially raise antioxidant levels in the blood.

A recent study has found that those who consume 20% of daily calories from pecans raised their blood antioxidant levels by a significant amount. The healthy fats in pecans also boost health in a meaningful way, but it also makes them high in calories, which means these nuts are best eaten in moderation.

3. Blueberries

They may contain only a few calories per serving, but blueberries are absolutely rich in nutrients and antioxidants. A FRAP analysis shows us that blueberries possess 9.2 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces and several studies have shown that blueberries may have the highest number of antioxidants out of all commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.

For those who love fruit, be sure to pick out some blueberries the next time you’re making your weekly fruit selection. The antioxidants in blueberries may also improve brain function and delay mental declines associated with age. Researchers believe the antioxidants in blueberries are responsible for this effect, but further research is needed.

4. Strawberries


Another great fruit packed with antioxidants and health benefits, strawberries have 5.4 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces. In addition to containing a high number of antioxidants, strawberries also possesses anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant which gives them their red color and provides a litany of health benefits, such as a reduction in heart disease risk and a reduction in the levels of LDL, which is a type of bad cholesterol. It can also raise HDL, which is a form of good cholesterol. The brighter red a strawberry is, the more anthocyanin it contains.

5. Artichokes


Although artichokes aren’t common in the diet of many North Americans, they’ve become more popular in recent years because of the great, positive impact they have on health. The vegetables were used in ancient times to fight diseases like jaundice, and today researchers know they’re a great source of dietary fiber, minerals, and antioxidants.

FRAP indicates that artichokes contain up to 4.7 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces. They also contain an antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid, which possess great anti-inflammatory benefits and reduces risk in many types of cancers, as well as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

6. The perfect antioxidant skin care you need:

Eating a healthy diet is a great way to make sure you’re getting enough antioxidants for your skin, but there are other ways. More specifically, there are a host of skincare products which are made with antioxidants and can naturally increase your daily levels. Our instant lift is great for providing you the natural and powerful antioxidants found in acai berries. It’s great for smoothing the skin and providing increased elasticity, as well as replenishing and moisturizing the skin.

Q & A

Why do you eat less as you get older?

As you get older, your body needs less calories to function. This decreases your appetite and leads to a feeling of satisfaction and contentment with less food.

Does coffee age your skin?

Yes, coffee can age your skin because it’s a diuretic. This means it makes you secrete extra fluids and depletes your body and skin of moisture, resulting in aged-looking skin.

Is chocolate good for your skin?

Dark chocolate is great for your skin and body because of the antioxidants found within it. Dark chocolate actually contains more antioxidants than blueberries and raspberries.

Can wearing sunscreen reverse aging?

Wearing sunscreen can prevent aging for your skin and helps protect you from the harmful UV of the sun’s rays. Some studies have also suggested that wearing sunscreen can reverse aging but more research is needed for definitive proof.

How can I rebuild collagen in my face?

There are a number of treatments and creams you can use to rebuild the collagen in your face, as well as some daily practices. Avoid foods with high levels of vitamin C, as well as AHA-rich foods to help rebuild collagen.