Skin Benefits Of Acai Berry

Skin Benefits Of Acai Berry

 What is Acai Berry?

Acai berry, pronounced ah-sah-EE, are everywhere these days: in bowls, smoothies, skincare and supplements and for good reason! These little berries, originally found in Central and South America, especially the Amazon Rainforest are antioxidant powerhouses that have been helping people improve their health for thousands of years. They contain antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals that can help weight loss, reduce cholesterol and even promote a healthy heart, but that’s not all. Let’s go over some of the top benefits of Acai berries:

  1. Antioxidant: Most of the health benefits associated with Acai berries come from their high value of antioxidants. Our daily routines really expose us to a lot of toxins, from the air we breathe to the food we eat, we are constantly ingesting free radicals that can harm our bodies. Acai berries can help reverse some of that harm with their antioxidant properties. They can help repair the oxidative damage that is caused by free radicals and inhibit the growth of harmful organisms in addition to flushing out any contaminants that may increase our risk of heart disease and cancer.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory: Acai berries are one of nature’s richest sources of antioxidants with the highest known ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of any known food. The higher the ORAC is, the more effective a food is at extinguishing free radicals, which are known to promote inflammation and speed up aging.

  2. Acne Control: Because of their anti-inflammatory properties, Acai berries can help control acne. The berries are used in a lot of different acne-fighting and treating products. Acai berries are a great compound to use on sensitive skin because they can help treat acne without the addition of harmful and powerful chemicals that wreak havoc on the skin.
  1. Hydrating: Our skin is exposed to a lot of elements on a daily basis from the weather, the sun and free radicals and even chemicals and pollutants. The antioxidants that are in Acai berries can help repair the damage and replenish lost moisture.

  2. Boost Healthy Skin: Acai berries have a plethora of benefits for the skin. They have been found to be one of the best ingredients when it comes to treating hyperpigmentation and lightening up dark spots on the skin. 

  3. Lighten Scars: A small batch of evidence has shown that Acai berries can help lighten scars, whether in the form of a serum or mask.

  4. Rich in Nutrients: Acai berries contain Vitamin A, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. They are also rich in B vitamins: B3, B2, B1, which help us digest our food properly and absorb the nutrients. They also have plant compounds that are extremely beneficial to our health.

  5. May Boost Weight Loss: You make have noticed while browsing the health aisle that a lot of weight loss supplements have Acai berries in them. Research has shown that the fiber and fatty acids in the berries can help boost metabolism, fat burn and decrease cravings. But, it’s important to note that consuming Acai berries alone will not make you magically lose weight. If you add Acai berries to a healthy diet and exercise, they can absolutely help you lose weight faster.

  6. Immunity Boosting: One of the greatest benefits of Acai berries is that they can help boost our immune systems. The antioxidant-rich fruits fight free radicals and help protect our bodies from disease and infections. A 2011 study even showed that the immune responses of Acai berries had the potential to treat asthma and infectious diseases.

  7. Anti-Aging: Acai berries are an anti-aging warrior. They are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that fight free radicals which age your skin and cause disease. Thanks to these properties, Acai berries can keep your skin happy, healthy, young and glowing.

 Adding Acai berries to your skincare routine or even your diet can provide you with a ton of all-natural benefits that can help you achieve glowing skin, more energy and even weight loss. It’s a tiny fruit that packs a powerful punch of antioxidants, anti-aging properties and so much more!