What Are The Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skincare?

eye cream

What Is Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a water-based gel plant, that contains 18 different types of amino acids that help soothe irritated skin. People often use the gel to help with sunburns, but it can help with wrinkles and other minor burns as well.

Aloe Vera has been a part of the beauty world for a long time, but not a lot of people know that there are plenty of benefits of using the gel around your eyes. You need to be careful when applying the gel close to your eyes because if any gets directly in your eye it will cause some burning.

But if your careful there are many benefits to using Aloe Vera around your eyes.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera Around The Eyes?

1. Aloe vera is great for repairing damaged skin

Different minerals found in Aloe Vera like Zinc, and Selenium act as antioxidants. And what antioxidants do, is repair damaged skin. 

While repairing damaged skin cells, these different minerals found in Aloe Vera also help strengthen your skin. So by using this gel around your eyes your fixing skin, and making it stronger at the same time.

 2. Help moisturize dry skin

The skin under your eyes can be quite delicate, and easily dry. Sunbathing, different medications and a shower can all dry out the skin underneath your eyes. 

Aloe Vera helps with dry skin and will return some moisture to your skin. The amino acids will soften the skin and the zinc will help tighten the pores. By applying Aloe to the skin beneath your eyes, you can say goodbye to dry skin.

3. Help regulate blood flow around the eyes

It isn’t uncommon for people to get dark spots around their eyes. This is the result of working hard, and possibly not getting enough rest. The signs of fatigue can be an annoyance. Aloe Vera can help regulate the blood from around your eyes getting your skin tone back to where it should be.

4. Speed up the healing process for cuts and burns

Aloe Vera will help with the healing process of a small wound. By strengthening the skin it will close the wounds quicker, and leave less of a chance for scar tissue to break out.

5. Help with cold sores

Aloe Vera has been know to help with the herpes virus. For those cold sores that breakout around your mouth, apply a small dose of Aloe on the affected areas twice a day until the outbreak is gone.

6. Antifungal benefits

Aloe has proven benefits when it comes to different skin conditions. If you’re dealing with irritated skin, apply some Aloe Vera and it should help with the irritation.

7. Help prevent the appearance of wrinkles

The amino acids and Vitamin E present in Aloe Vera can help prevent wrinkles. If the wrinkles, or crows feet are already apparent on your skin, then use the Aloe to get rid of those unwanted wrinkles.

By helping with dry skin, the amino acids go to work and prevent those unwelcome appearances from wrinkles.

8. Anti-inflammatory agents can help with acne

If you’re dealing with pustules and nodules grab a cotton swab and put some Aloe on it. Then apply it to the acne three times a day until you notice the effects.

9. Help with frostbite

Depending on the severity of the frostbite, you might want to check with your doctor first. Aloe has been known to help ease the pain of frostbite by applying it to the affected areas. 

Is There Anything Else To Know About The Use Of Aloe Vera?

As mentioned before, while you’re trying to get the gel as close to the eye as possible, you need to make sure that you don’t come into direct contact with your eye. If this does happen you need to rinse your eyes out in the shower or sink for about 15 minutes.

Open and close your eyes as you do this to help get the Aloe out. After this, you’ll just want to lay down and relax until the burning is gone. Refrain from touching your eyes during this period. 

One more thing you should be cautious of is a potential allergic reaction. Some people are allergic to Aloe. The best thing you can do is put a tiny swab of gel on your arm just to see how your skin reacts. If it becomes irritated you might be allergic.

Other than these points, the rest is all positives. Aloe Vera does wonderful things for the skin.